
About me

Who am I

"Assalamualaikum. This is Tehreem Ranjha - CEO Soz.pk , andazbysoz , Qarz-e-hasna"

I stepped into business 3 years ago as a side hustle while I was in the 2nd year of my graduation, hoping to earn my pocket money from it till I finished my degree and started a job somewhere, as was the custom.

But over the past three years, that side hobby not only made me financially khudmukhtaar, but I have been able to provide jobs for so many girls working for my business, the same job that I would have been searching for after graduation if I hadn’t started Soz.pk

I have spent enough time aimlessly scrolling social media, watching everyone work on their passions and feeling lost, not knowing what my or passion was, and not knowing where & how to start the journey of being #khudmukhtaar that I know exactly how that feels and that is why I wanted to create this space for all my beautiful sisters out there who might be feeling the same.

To show them that the way out of that hopelessness is through themselves.

So here at @khudmukhtaar.pk you will be getting a lot of valuable and informative content about starting and running a successful small business in the context of Pakistan.

And there are so many amazing boss women here on Instagram who inspire me to do better every day so we will be cheering on them and sharing their stories as well so that you can see and believe that if they have successfully built their dream business from scratch so can YOU!

The purpose is to create a community of boss ladies who inspire and support each other in becoming khudmukhtaar.

So here’s to Creating and Celebrating the Women Entrepreneurs of Pakistan!

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